Thursday 5 February 2015

Unity and toolkit troubles, and more knowledge

Unity is great for many things, but this past week there has been some shortcomings with the platform. 
So I started looking into the code for the VN toolkit a bit to see what we can throw in there, and what we can gut out. For the most part, it's a fairly well structured piece of software with areas where we can eventually start molding to form something suitable for this game. This is fine and dandy, although there's not much documentation in the code, it's easy enough to navigate and modify. Edit some parts of the GUI here and there, change some colour schemes, etc. However, it seems that the built in code editor for unity has other plans.
What? how can there be so many issues with areas that weren't even touched? Well after a while looking around, it seems that the built in editor MonoDevelop doesn't support any version of C# higher than 3.5, which is what the toolkit is built on. 
It seems that the original developers were also not pleased with Unity's editor, and probably decided to use a third party editor. Doesn't seem too unreasonable, but Unity is an engine where anybody, even someone without much coding experience can make a game; so it's not too unreasonable to say their platform for writing code is outdated.
Anyways, looks like the toolkit will need to be edited some other time. For now though, here is a new scene with our friends once again studying, in a bigger library this time. Perhaps they will learn a bit more about actual tactics, and *ahem* mechanics pertaining to what they're doing.
Here is Tarah dispensing some knowledge, while we look to make some more progress next week.

1 comment:

  1. You can use Visual Studio with Unity, instead of MonoDevelop, if you prefer.
    I've heard the free version is all right, and you can get a free full version as a student.
