Monday 12 January 2015

Club Roleplaying: The Morrow Project 4th Edition

Although unrelated to the dev project, this game gave me some inspiration, and is definitely worth looking at. The Morrow Project takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where members of a trained group of volunteer civilians form The Morrow Project, a group dedicated to rebuilding the world after nuclear war. I have a copy of the core book, and would be glad to show some people at the Friday club meets. If enough people express interest then I will consider running a module.

You open your eyes to darkness and consistent beeping. It takes you a moment to realize that this is the sound they told you about in training; the cryotubes must have run out of power. If the tubes ran out, then exactly how long has it been? You were supposed to receive a wake-up call, but it must have never come.

Project Personnel in Standard Uniform (by
It feels like you entered the tubes just a moment ago, and now you’re here. After sitting up and taking a moment to stretch, you look around the bolt-hole. Looks like it survived nuclear war.
There is a consistent hiss as the pure nitrogen of the room is replaced with breathable air. Due to this, the equipment appears unscathed by time. Looking across from you, you see the V-150. It looks similar to an APC, with four tires and a turret on top. Fully amphibious; enough room for six; gear to last for weeks; and to top it off, the RH 202 extends about one metre out of the turret: a 20mm machine cannon with armour-piercing ammunition.

Around the MPV are crates containing various supplies to last for months: rations, weapons, clothing et cetera, as well as items of recreation, such as cards, a bag of marbles, some tennis balls, and a chess set.

To your left and right, you see that your fellow team-members are just regaining their bearings. You hop out of your tube onto stiff legs and count them up. Kim Joon-su; Big Stue; Tyler Mitchell; and Morgan Richards.

There’s a table with some benches nearby, and on it sits a document bearing the Recon Team insignia, with, “MORROW INDUSTRIES, CONTROLLED DOCUMENT. CONFIDENTIAL”, written in bold lettering along the bottom. As team leader, you open the document. It reads,

Recon Team Insignia
                “Recon Team YR-A27, this document herein contains the details regarding your tasks upon waking from cryosleep. You are to assess the needs and problems of the local population in the Ottawa metropolitan area and region, and to determine what action may be taken by which team to bring the peoples of this area to a point of self-sustainability. Beyond this, take whatever actions possible in your immediate scope to aid the population in rebuilding and securing basic necessities. From that point on, you are to communicate with the other teams in the region, to create a detailed solution for this community.” From this point on the document goes into more detail regarding specific tasks, and how to use all the equipment provided, as well as how to deal with certain problems that may arise. It also gives coordinates to navigate to the Ottawa area.

You spend the next few hours sorting and gathering your equipment to load into the V-150. You insert your Morrow Personnel ID Card into the console and input the coordinates, placing a dot on the V-150’s map. With the flip of a switch, hydraulic lifts push open the large door revealing natural lighting. The V-150 rumbles to life after a number of years of sitting dormant in this concrete hole. You can feel it accelerate up the slope to the outside, but just as you reach the crest of the slope, you think about how long it must have been, and one question remains in your mind:

Where was the wake-up call?

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