Sunday 11 January 2015

Some pics from Friday night gaming

Many Blue House contributors, including myself, are part of the Carleton Tabletop gaming club and the Carleton PC gaming clubs. It's where many of us met and where we still meet, collaborate and crush each other in 15mm scale and digital combat. Being active in the gaming community helps us by exposing us to many different gaming systems and ideas, as well as giving us access to a pool of beta testers. 

Examining the battlefield 

The colossal king tigers lumber toward the Soviet position 

Determining the perfect distance needed to destroy the enemy.

American tank hunters get the drop on the Tigers 

Canadian armoured recon surveys the German position

The fearsome Tiger tanks have met their match

British commandos get in to position, supported by Canadian shermans

The Soviet defenses 

Hetzers wait to pounce on a Soviet advance

A hellcat ambushing advancing tigers

German Grenadiers hold the line

          American self propelled artillery gets the drop on some panzers

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