Tuesday 13 January 2015

Painted Panzer-Grenadiers for our Upcoming Flames of War Tournament

Here's a big ol dump of the stuff I've been working on for the upcoming Late-war tournament but it's still only a very small part of my army. I'll be playing a Gerpanzerte PanzerGrenadierKompanie which basically means a mechanized force, that runs around in half-tracks, outmaneuvering the enemy. This doctrine is very similar to the doctrine used by our Vanguard faction in Essence of Glory, which will likely receive a post of their own soon.

Making an army for a tournament is interesting and relevant because it's really about building a balanced force that can handle any threat and minimize losses. In essence of glory taking casualties is inevitable but minimizing your own while inflicting more on your enemies is key and looking at systems that also emphasizes those kind of trade offs.

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